This dress a bit too big for her, but it means she will be able to wear it longer. She love this dress and so far already wore it twice.
And some cheeky photos:
Pattern: My Own
Source: here
Materials: Cascade Yarns Pima Melange. Color: Dark Orange C300. Qty: 5 x 50 gram
Needles: Addi Metal Circular Needle 3.75 mm
Total Cost: Yarn USD 14.5 + Button: Free
Start Date: 22 May 2007
Finish Date: 3 June 2007 (Only 2 weeks!!)
Other post about this project
This time I weaved black ribbon on the sleeves lace pattern and attached a couple of black buttons on the front part to match. Oh, I also used short row in the bust area for a bit of ease. Last Sunday, I wore it to go to the Mall, dinner at non-AC restaurant, then took this photo in Penang Yacht Marina.
When I made this, I almost stopped halfway because I did not like the overall look. However, after I finished my Sunshine top, and I didn’t know what to do next, I continued and finished it. I love the result! It grows on me. And further, I love it enough to write down the pattern both in English written instruction and in Japanese symbol (like the one you found in Ondori pattern books).
Lauri just woke up
13.30 PM. I feed Lauri, while she watches TV on her high chair. In the meantime, I also do housework chores like sweeping, mopping, doing laundry, etc. I only have lunch, after she finished her lunch and I finished my chores.
15.00 PM. I release Lauri from her high chair and she can playing around on the clean floor.
16.00 PM. Back to the room for her 8 oz milk and preparation for her nap
17.00 PM. Take a nap for 2 hours. If I don’t fall asleep in the process of putting her to sleep, I can use these 2 hours to work.
19.00 PM. Wake Lauri up, and play a bit before dinner
Hallo...Hallo. Yes.. yes... OK...OK..... Wait Mommy, Lauri is still on the phone.
20.00 PM. Dinner
21.00 PM. Play time for Lauri (and crocheting and knitting time for me)
22.00 PM. Lauri take her 8 oz milk, then continue to play or watch DVD in the room.
24.00 PM. Take her last 8 oz milk before sleeping. It can be 1 AM when she finally sleeps. Only then I can finish my work. So, sometimes I sleep at 5 AM!!!
Hmmmm...What are they? Let me pick them.
Mommy, look what I have found!
Oops, I make my hand dirty.