My Favorite bind off is a picot bind off using crochet hook. I used it in my Sunshine Top, Empire Top, and also in Lauri Dress. I like it because it makes a very flexible edging.
Step 1: Slip 1 stitch purlwise from left needle to the right hook
Step 2: Take working yarn with hook and pull it through both stitches
Step 3: Result
Step 4: Make 2 chains
I am not sure whether there is tutorial about it, but the one I know is in Knitty Fall 2006 using knitting needle. When I tried, I don't really like the result. It flares too much. Thus I used my own method using crochet hook. Use the smallest hook possible and the tighter the better.

Very good tutorial! I have to try this sometime.
Never thought about that! Good idea.
Thank you for sharing. I'm going to try that one on my next project, and i do think a finish touch in crochet is always cute.
This is my favorite way to bind off now! Thanks for sharing!!!
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