Sunday, December 24, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Progress on my Sage Cardigan
Grafting the shoulder together
Join the colar on the back, then grafted it into the body.
This is how it looks like from the back
Attach the button
Now, I had to make the sleeves.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Mission Accomplished
Yup, Lauri sekarang sudah nggak pake diaper. Kecuali kalo dia lagi tidur siang dan tidur malam aku pakein diaper untuk jaga-jaga. Cuma seminggu aku nglatih dia. Dimulainya hari Senin kemarin (27 Nov) dan tepat Senin berikutnya (4 Dec) dia udah ngerti. Aku nggak nyangka sama sekali kalo secepat itu. Padahal persediaan Mami Poko (disposable diaper) nya masih bejibun.
Yup , Lauri didn’t wear diaper anymore, except when she was napping or sleeping at night, just in case. So far no wet diaper. Only took me a week to train her. Started on Monday 27 Nov, and exactly the next Monday 4 Dec, she had finally understood. I did not expect that it would be that fast. I still had a lot stock of Mami Poko (disposable diapers).
Sekarang, tiap dia mau pipis, dia bilang: “Mommy, sit down” sambil nunjuk ke pot. Ajaibnya lagi, nggak hanya dia ngerti kalo dia perlu duduk di pot untuk pipis, dia juga tau kalo dia perlu duduk di pot, untuk urusan satunya lagi (poo poo). Padahal aku belon ngajarin lho.
Now, every-time she wanted to pee, she would say:”Mommy, sit down” and pointed to the potty. The amazing thing was although I did not train her to do the other big business (poo poo), she automatically understood that she was supposed to sit on the potty to poo, too.
This is her expression the first time I sit her on the toilet
Kalo ada yang tertarik pengen tahu gimana proses aku nglatih, nih liat dibawah ini:
- Sepanjang hari jangan dipake diaper. Pake celana dalam biasa. Ini supaya aku tahu kebiasaan dia pipis kapan aja.
- Setiap jam tawarin dia untuk duduk di potty selama dia mau. Kalo dia udah nggak mau duduk ya sudah, jangan dipaksa duduk walaupun masih belon pipis.
- Kalo pas aku mau buang air kecil, dia aku ajak. Supaya dia juga tau kalo aku juga perlu duduk di pot (toilet) untuk buang air kecil.
- Kemungkinan besar dia akan pipis di celana. Lauri pipis di celana bolak balik sebelum dia akhirnya ngerti. Jangan dikasih disposable diaper yang versi celana selama proses pelatihan. Karena ini justru memperlambat proses pelatihan karena dia nggak merasa basah sama sekali.
- Setelah 1 ato 2 hari aku tahu pola pipis dia. Lauri juga udah biasa duduk di pot. Akhirnya suatu hari, dia pipis di pot. Setelah sekali dia pipis di pot, selanjutnya dia aku dudukan dia di pot, pasti dia pipis.
Below are the process how I toilet-trained Lauri in case somebody interested:
- Let her wore normal panty all day. So I knew her schedule of peeing.
- Offerrd her to sit on the potty every hour as long as she wants. I did not force her if she did not want to sit.
- When I wanted to pee, I would ask her to come along. Explained the process to her. This was to show her that I also needed to sit on the pot (toilet) to pee.
- Big possibility that she would pee on the pants instead of potty. This was also part of the process to make her understood. Lauri peed on her pants many times before she understood. I did not use “pull up” disposable diaper (pants-like diaper). It only slowed the process, as she could not feel the wetness.
- After 1 or 2 days, I knew her pee timing patterns, she also used to sit on the potty. So one day, when I put her on the potty, she just peed there. After that, every-time I sit her on the potty, she peed.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wild Rose Crochet Top
When I wore this out, it was noon time and the weather was very hot. However, because it had no lining, I did not feel hot. I could even feel the breeze, specially on my waist area.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Couldn't Recognize Mommy
Last week, I let Lauri watched my wedding video. At first, she watched with full attention, then when James appeared on the screen, she said “Ooooh, Papa”. Then, she also could recognize her Grandpa and her Grandma “Oohhh, Bee-pa..Bee-ma” (that is how she called her Grandpa and Grandma).
Walk with Bee-Ma in Gurney Drive in front of Gurney Plaza
Do I look like photo model if I pose like this?
How about like this?
Hi! Do you want my Autograph?
Mommy, where is my comb? My hair looks awfull
Tapi, pas aku muncul, dia diam aja. Berhubung dia diam aja, aku yang bilang “Ooohh, Mommy!”. Dia pancet diam aja. Mungkin karena aku pake make-up, dia bingung, kok nggak mirip Mommy, ya? Baru setelah aku ulang nyetel VCD itu 3 kali, baru dia ngeh kalo itu aku. Hehehehehe.
However, when I appeared on the screen, she kept quiet. Since she did not make a comment, I said “Ooooh, Mommy!” She still did not say anything. Perhaps because of the make-up and hair style I wore, she was confuse, why the lady on the screen did not look like mommy? Until I repeat the VCD three times, then she understood that it was me after all. Hehehehehe.
Senin kemarin aku mulai toilet train Lauri. Dia masih nggak ngerti sampe sekarang. Kalo dia aku dudukkan di toilet nggak mau pipis, tapi kalo diapernya udah terpasang, baru dia pipis. Tapi acara training nya agak terganggu berhubung kemarin sama hari ini, kita pergi ke Mall. Kemarin ke Gurney Mall untuk beli kosmetikku (ada sale), hari ini ke Queensbay Mall, Mall terbesar di Penang yang baru buka hari ini deket rumah.
Last Monday, I started to toilet train her. She still did not get it until now. When I put her on the toilet, she did not want to pee, but once I put on the diaper, she peed. There was some interruption on the toilet train because yesterday and today, we went to the Mall. Yesterday, we went to Gurney Mall to buy my cosmetics (one day sale), and today we went to Queensbay Mall, the biggest Mall in Penang that just opened today near my house.
Too tired to walk, so ask Bee-Pa to carry. Oh, I also got free Baloon...
Oh ya sekarang Lauri sudah isa ngancing baju sendiri lho. Pake bajunya masih nggak isa. Cuma isa masukkan tangan satu, tapi begitu mau masukkan tangan satunya dia masih nggak isa. Kadang isa masuk, tapi bajunya mluntir. Hehehehe.
Oh yeah, Lauri now already could button up her clothes by herself. She still could not wear her own blouse yet. Only could put on one sleeve, but the other sleeve, still could not. Sometimes, when she finally manage to put on, the blouse was twisted. Hehehehe.