Lauri Fishing
Nggak beneran mancing, cuma pura-pura mancing. Pertama dia nggak tau caranya gimana. Tapi setelah diajari 2 kali sama James, dia langsung isa. Lucunya setelah dia dapet ikan, dia akan nunggu sampe James dan aku dapat ikan, baru dia naruh ikannya balik ke tempatnya. Dia juga isa nakalan (berhubung dia liat James nakalan). Kalo dia frustasi nggak isa masukkan umpan nya ke mulut ikan, ikan nya sama dia diambil, dibuka mulutnya dan umpannya dimasukkan ke mulut ikan.
Well, not really fishing, only pretending to fish. At first she did not know how to fish. After James showing her two times, she got the idea. The funny thing was, after she got the fish, she would wait for me and James to got the fish first, before she put the fish back to the place. She also learned to cheat (because she saw James cheat). If she got frustrated after several attempts could not put the bait into the fish’ mouth, she would pick up the fish, opened the mouth, and put the bait into the fish mouth. 
Dia juga isa pura-pura digigit ikan. Sama dia jarinya dimasukkan ke mulut ikan, terus teriak: “Mommy, help me…help me….!”
She even could pretend to get bitten by the fish by putting her finger into the fish mouth and screamed: “Mommy, help me….help me….!”
Pas James masih di India 3 hari yang lalu, suatu pagi pas Lauri bangun tidur, dia liat di sisi ranjang biasanya James tidur ada guling ketutupan selimut. Mungkin dia pikir itu James. Jadi dia manggil manggil “Papa…Papa…What are you doing there?”. Terus berhubung nggak ada jawaban, sama dia selimutnya dibuka. Heheheheh… Bingung dia kok papanya nggak ada.
One morning, when James still in India 3 days ago, Lauri woke up and saw a pillow covered by blanket on the side where James normally sleep. She thought that it was her father, so she called “Papa…Papa…What are you doing there?” When she didn’t get any response, she opened the blanket. Heheheheh…. She just confused why the father was not there.
Oh ya, Lauri punya potongan rambut baru. Poninya dipotong sama emaknya. Nggak rata. Diliat, yang sebelah kiri lebih panjang, jadi sama emaknya dipotong lagi yang sebelah kiri,. Eh, motongnya kependekan, jadi sekarang yang sebelah kanan yang kepanjangan. Gitu mau dipotong lagi. Sama aku nggak boleh. Soale kalo dipotong terus kayak gitu bisa habis itu poni. Hehehehe.
Oh yeah, Lauri got new hair cut. Her fringe was cut by her Grandma. Seing that the left side was longer than the right, grandma cut it again. Eh, she cut too much. The result: the right side now was longer than the left side. When she attempted to cut again, I asked her not to. I just afraid that she would keep cutting until Lauri has no more fringe. Hehehehe.
Aiaiaiaia... My left fringe is shorter than the right one