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My Assistant
Tiap hari habis mandi, Lauri aku dudukkan di kursi tingginya dan aku setelkan TV (tiap jam 12 sampe 1 siang ada acara untuk anak-anak di channel NHK Jepang). Sambil nunggu bubur dia agak dingin, aku nyapu lantai. Mungkin karena dia tiap hari liat aku nyapu, dia jadi pengen nyapu juga. Jadi habis makan, kalo dia lagi maen di lantai dan keliatan sapu, pasti sama dia sapu itu diambil dan dia nyapu lantai juga. Dia kalo nyapu nggak tanggung-tanggung. Bawah kursi juga tidak ketinggalan disapu sama dia.
Oh ya, Lauri sekarang udah bisa ngitung sampe 10.
Aku: One
Lauri: Two...
Aku: Three
Lauri: Four...
Aku: Five
Lauri: Six...
Aku: Seven
Lauri: Eight....
Aku: Nine
Lauri: Ten!! Waaahhhh (sambil ketawa dan tepuk tangan)
Designer Crochet Bag
Have you seen these bags? Aren't they nice. I should be able to make myself one like these. I have to hunt for the right thread or yarn and choose the right combination of color. I also think that the one make them nice and look proffessional are the leather handle, neat lining and proper zipper. I don't like handbag without zipper. I don't want the whole world knows what is inside my bag once I accidently drop off the bag.
Green Thing
I've already addicted to DMC cotton thread, but I still have several acrylic thread that I bought long time ago before got married and moved to Penang. What to do with it? I saw the shawl in lpixie and want to make something like that (in my kind of version). So, I use my green acrylic and started something. Actually, I don't really like the color. I don't know why I bought it. Probably because at that time, I wanted to have something green but the shade I want was not available, so in the end I had to satisfy with this green.
After several hours of trial and error, I came out with this. I have to make several pcs and try to put it together and see whether the result is OK or not. Will update later after I got enough pieces.
Current Project This is one of the current project I have on hand. The pattern is from Australian Patchwork and Quilting Magazine Vol 10 No. 6. The patchwork is done using the traditional English paper-piecing method. Which involves basting fabric shapes over paper, then whip-stitching the paper together to form the quilt top. Once the pieces have been joined, the papers are then removed and the quilt is basted and hand-quilted.
So far, I have finished the patchwork and already started hand-quilting the center part. I started this project last year. It's a slow progress as I don't have really much time plus I also have crochet project on hand. Plus, when I quilt, I really must concentrate on what I am doing, otherwise I will get un-even stitch. This is the second quilt I make. How about the first one? That's another story.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Lauri sakit. Hari Rabu pagi badannya panas. Aku kasih Uphamol 250 untuk menurunkan panas nggak mempan, cuma turun dikit. Siang masih nggak turun, malah sampe 40 derajat selsius lebih. Akhirnya sorenya ke dokter. Diagnosisnya: Hand, foot, and mouth disease. Pertanyaannya dia kena dimana? Berhubung masa inkubasi 3 sampe 6 hari, maka kemungkinan dia dapat pas makan di seafood restaurant hari Sabtu kemarin. Hari Seninnya emang kita ke Giant dan Lauri main di children playground. Tapi Senin ke Rabu cuma 2 hari. Sempat mau dibawa ke rumah sakit berhubung hari Kamis pagi panasnya nggak turun-turun. Untungnya sekitar jam 8 pagi tiba-tiba panasnya turun, dan habis itu udah nggak panas lagi. Sama dokternya dikasih obat 4 macam: untuk menurunkan panas badan, anti biotik, meredakan sakit, dan untuk blister di tenggorokan. Kasian Lauri, mesti makan obat segitu banyak. Udah tenggorokan sakit tiap mau dikasih obat dia nangis.
Foto di atas adalah reaksi dia kalo ditanya: How is adorable? Dia meletakkan jari telunjuk (kadang satu, kadang kedua jari) di pipinya, kepala miring ke kanan, sambil tersenyum. So Cute!
Lauri's Crochet Cardigan
My mother in law gave 2 balls of pink crochet thread to me. One was still full but the other one already used a bit. I didn't know what was the brand, but according to her it was DMC. Since only two balls was not enough to make my cardigan, I made for Lauri. The pattern was from Ondori crochet book that also belong to my MIL. Actually the pattern was for longer sleeve and body, but since I only had limited thread, I made it short.
The cute thing about this cardigan was the button. Since I could not find big button on my stash and the one that I had was small normal button, so I create big button from what I had. The result: CUTE (in my opinion).
This was the first time I crochet with DMC (if it was really DMC). The experience was so satisfying that I could not wait to crochet another project using DMC. I searched the review about this thread in the internet, and I found below review in this site.
"Cebelia is smooth, shiny thread with a good twist, available in many colors and sizes. Most of the early 1990's Leisure Arts thread crochet patterns have photos of items worked in Cebelia, and you can see it's wonderful luster (notably lacking in the example photos taken after Leisure Arts did their deal with Southmaid). Cebelia is the most available premium thread, but still sometimes a little hard to find -- at least now Michael's carrys it in white and ecru. Cebelia comes in 30 colors, and all colors are available in sizes 10, 20 and 30. Cebelia also comes in size 40 in white and ecru, but I've only seen one place that carries it. Cebelia is the least soft of the 3 cord premium threads (it's more like a 6 cord thread in texture), but it's very shiny, and retains that shine with use and wear. It's the thread I have most of, being of excellent quality and reasonable availablity."
Probably the one that I use to crochet this cardigan was DMC Cebelia. Since I could not find Cebelia in here, I bought it from ebay and sent it to my sister in law in US. She is coming back this next week.