Monday, July 24, 2006

Two Sleeves Needed

I already finished the back and front part and also joined the shoulder together after blocking. I did that without starting the sleeve, because I wanted to know how it looks like after joining.
It looks OK although I must confess that I did not do a good job at joining shoulder together. I made several mistakes and only realized it after I cut off the thread and waved in the end. Well, at least I know what to do on the next project.
Now, I have to start the sleeve.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hi-Tech Baby

Apa emang sekarang semua bayi canggih-canggih ya? Lauri paling seneng mainan hand-phone dan computer. Kalo liat orang pake telpon bawaan dia pengen ngrebut aja. Kalo liat orang pake komputer, dia juga pengen ikutan nge-klik.

Dulu dia puas cuma maen hand-phone, sekarang dia nggak puas kalo nggak ngomong di handphone. Sasaran orang yang ditelpon, ya papa nya.

Dia udah kubelikan hand-phone mainan yang bisa bunyi (dua biji malah), tapi ya itu, hand-phone palsu layar monitornya nggak interaktif. Nggak seperti hand-phone sungguhan. Kata siapa anak kecil bisa dibohongi. Nggak sampe 10 menit, sama dia hand-phone mainannya udah nggak dianggap.

Kalo papa nya lagi mainan game di laptop, wah.... dia juga ikutan liat. Expresi nya seolah-olah dia ngerti. Pertama dia duduk tenang, terus 10 menit kemudian mulai nunjuk-nunjuk, selang 5 menit kemudian mulailah mau ikutan pencet.

Lucunya kalo dia liat orang udah kelar pake laptop, dia akan membantu membuka tas laptop dan ikutan membantu memasukkan lap-top ke tas.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My First Knitting Object

I decided to knit short cardigan for my daughter. I bought the yarn and needle from local yarn store near my house. Since I bought the yarn there, I could choose the pattern as well. The yarn is very expensive. It's 100% mercerized cotton made in Germany. One ball (50 gr) is RM 26.50 or USD 7. Luckily I only need 2 balls. As for the knitting itself, I learned it from here.

Here is my progress:

Monday, July 17, 2006

Who is Wearing Grandma's Slipper?

Sekarang Lauri senang pake sandal yang ada haknya. Dia punya sandal sendiri. Tapi berhubung nggak ada hak dan dari karet dia nggak seberapa suka pake sandal itu. Soalnya nggak ada suaranya. Kalo sandal yang berhak khan bisa bunyi tuk..tak...tuk...tak. Jadi dia mesti ngambil sandal emaknya terus dipake jalan jalan keliling ruang tamu, sambil nggak lupa megang tas.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Last week I went to Kuala Lumpur to meet customer. I wore the new white cardigan. Again, I forgot to take picture. So, I decided to take the cardigan itself without me.

I started this on end of January 2006 and finished it on end of June. I used up 5 balls of white DMC Tradition 100% cotton size 10. Actually I bought 4 balls from ebay, then realized that it was not enough. At that time (March) I have finished everything: front part, back part, and two sleeves, even already joined together. Only needed to finish the edging part. It's so frustrating. Then I ordered another 2 balls from the same seller. Since my sister in law is planning to come back to Malaysia on April, I asked to be delivered in her US address. In the end she only came on May. I had to wait for 2 months.

Anyway, I am happy with the result. It fit me nicely

Another news is that now I am learning how to knit. I finally decided to learn because I could not stand looking so many nice free design on the internet.

The first piece I am knitting is for my baby. The reason is because it will be small enough for me to finish it quickly.

Up Date on 5 Sept 06:

Finally I manage to take photo of myself wearing the cardigan.

This is the original photo on the Japanese mag:

This is how it looks like on me:

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Trying to Play Organ and Eat Garlic Bread at The Same Time

Lauri sekarang isa ngajak orang salaman. Aku juga nggak ngerti dia belajar dari mana. Tiba-tiba kemarin dia bilang: "Mommy, shake hand.." sambil menjulurkan tangannya ke aku.

Dia juga bisa minta disetelkan TV: "Mommy, TV"

Selain itu dia juga belajar pake celana sendiri. Kalo liat celana pasti sama dia mau dipake walopun dia udah pake celana. Kebanyakan 2 kaki masuk satu lubang, tapi kadang bisa berhasil.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I manage to finish a project. Too bad I have no opportunity to take a picture yet. Actually I already wore it once, but forgot to take picture :)

The photo on left side is the DMC thread that my sister in law brought from USA.