
Friday, June 26, 2009

Ama and Akong’s Visit

Last month, from 17 to 26 May, Ama and Akong came to celebrate Fiori’s first birthday. It was also the first time they saw Fiori. Lauri was very happy because she has another 2 persons to spoil her. My parents told me that Lauri was prettier than their last visit 1.5 years ago. They also marveled at Lauri’s good behavior and her ability to steal their heart.

Akong was teaching Lauri to write 1 to 10 in Chinese character.
Ama: Isn’t Akong very clever? Not like Ama.
Lauri: But, I love you….
Ama: Oooohhhh…. (heart melt)

Lauri also drew Ama and Akong.

Left to right: Castle, Princess Lauri, Akong, Ama (the one with curly hair)

At first my mom tought that she was drawing a flower, it turn out it was my mom’s curly hair. Hahahahaha!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy First Birthday, Fiori!

My Baby is a toddler now! How time flies to fast. Fiori’s birthday was actually on 21 May. However, since I was lazy to download the photos, I can only post about it today.

At 1 year old, Fiori was almost 10 kg (about 1 kg less than Lauri at the same age), however, length wise they are the same. Unlike Lauri, Fiori still could not say Mama and Papa yet, however, she could say “clap” and clapping her hand, pointing at things and said “duck” and she said “ba-ba” (instead of bye bye) and waved her hand.

Trying to touch the cake

Cutting the cake

Friday, June 12, 2009

Heart Applique

I am trying to make a patchwork tablecloth with heart applique. Here are the steps to sew the heart on (not sure whether this is the correct method, but this is the way I did it) :

1. Trace the heart shape on the right side of the cloth. Trim the fabric around the design leaving a quarter-inch seam allowance. Fold the seam allowance toward the wrong side of the fabric and do running stitch around.

2. Place the appliqué, right side up, on the right side of the background fabric and sew the appliqué piece to the background fabric.

3. Iron the finished result

4. With sewing machine I sew around the inside of the heart.

Friday, June 05, 2009


Sometimes after looking at nice looking quilt like in this photo below, I got the urge to make one myself. The problem is, I always got the problem finishing it.

In my life, I only managed to finish one patchwork (here is the link to the project). I still have one patchwork project that I have started long time ago and until today still unable to finish it (here is the link to the project). The main reason is because lack of time and also since it’s on the quilting stage, it’s very difficult to carry it around.

Since the temptation to start a patchwork project is still there, probably I will make small pillow case again like this one.