
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lauri Birthday Photos

Lauri celebrated her 4th birthday in her kindergarden last October. Here are some of the photos:

Do you see the boy that stood next to Lauri also helped Lauri to blow? Hahahaha!

Enjoying the cake

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Pillowcase Project

This is my latest creation. Yup! Another pillow case for Lauri. I had leftover material from the previous small pillowcase (also for Lauri), but not enough to make big pillowcase. Then last week I got the urge to start a patchwork project. This time I didn’t want to start a big project, so after racking my brain, I came out with this design.

Do you see the wringkles? It was because I didn't iron it. To tell you the truth, I love the wringkles. It looks soooo... cottony (if there is such word).

It took me about 3 days to make this. The longest part was to embroidery the words although that was the part I enjoyed the most. The most important is that the fact that Lauri loves it!